Gender Equality Capacity Assessment Survey

Section 1: General demographic questions
1. At what level of the Organization are you working?
2. What is the highest level of education you have attained?
Section 2: knowledge and skill development
Re-order Topic Date/Duration Type of training (face to face, online, etc.) Organized/ Provided by Are you satisfied with the course/ training? Weight Operations
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Section 3: Acquisition and application of knowledge on integration of gender equality concerns and gender transformative approach in programme and operations activities.
Questions N/A I don’t know about this I know about this I am confident enough to use this in my everyday work I am confident enough to lead work on this
Section 4, Institutional support for addressing gender equality issues and achieve transformational results
13. What are the existing opportunities that support your ability to address gender in your work? (Please select all that apply)
14. What prevents you from addressing gender in your work? (Please select all that apply)
15. What support would you need in the future in order to be able to address gender into your work? (Please select all that apply)